What is the meaing of JAS_MSG346: JAS database failure SQL_EXCEPTION OCCURRED, invalid column name R
Hello MOSC,
In E1 Release 9.2, two of us working separately receive the same error when we attempt to create a simple REC RMA using P400511 for a purchase order to return material. I have checked the customer master and the supplier master. The item branch record allows returns. The order activity rules exist for an OM/S.
I don't know where to look for an "invalid column name "RDDMCT" in the popup error message.
I have checked the processing options on P40051 and P400511 and blanked out options for service and warranty management. I verified that the versions that appear on the Versions Tabs actually exist and I checked their processing options. I cannot get past this message and the RMA purchase order is not created. Thank you for any ideas.