Native JSON object to XML conversion in Oracle SOA 12.2.1
I have used translate activity in Oracle SOA 12.2.1 for native JSON object to XML conversion and I am getting following exception. Please share the solution if any one have it.
Patch (22345261) already created to fix this issue in Oracle SOA 12.1.1
** Scope Id: BpSeq0.3
** Audit Event Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 13:59:08.315 IST
** Audit Message: Error when evaulate expression: "ora:doTranslateFromNative(string($inputVariable.payload/client:input), 'Schemas/SampleJSONMsg.xsd', 'JSONMessage', 'DOM')". Fault is thrown.
** Audit Detail:
<bpelFault><faultType>0</faultType><subLanguageExecutionFault xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/process/executable"><part name="summary"><summary>An error occurs while processing the XPath expression; the expression is ora:doTranslateFromNative(string($inputVariable.payload/client:input), 'Schemas/SampleJSONMsg.xsd', 'JSONMessage', 'DOM')</summary></part><part name="code"><code>XPath expression failed to execute</code></part><part name="detail"><detail>XPath expression failed to execute.