o Letter templates found, Check Set up (18175,250) HRS_COMMON.LETTERGEN.LetterManager.OnExecute
Hello All,
I am working on TAM 9.2 When I try to generate an offer letter or an interview letter form a user 0364, It throws the following error:
"No Letter templates found, Check Set up (18175,250) HRS_COMMON.LETTERGEN.LetterManager.OnExecute Name:getReportDefn PCPC:4740 Statement:85Called from:HRS_COMMON.LETTERGEN.LetterManager.OnExecute Name:generateOfferLetter Statement:13Called from:HRS_APPLICANT_TRACKING.HRS_OFFER.BUS.OfferController.OnExecute Name:doAction Statement:319Called from:HRS_APPLICANT_TRACKING.HRS_APP_RCMNT.BUS.Controller.OnExecute Name:OfferLetterGen Statement:540Called from:HRS_APP_RCMNT.GBL.HRS_OFFER_WRK.HRS_OFF_GEN_LTR.FieldChange Statement:9 No Letter templates have been associated with this BI Publisher report in the Fusion Publisher setup. Please verify the setup and try again.