ORA-07445 [kwqbmspqueue()+278] after upgrade to Oracle
we did an upgrade of one of our Oracle databases to Oracle using the dbua from the new 19c Oracle Home.
The dbua finished without any problems. But after finishing the upgrade we can see a lot of the following error in the alertlog of the upgraded database:
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kwqbmspqueue()+278] [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0x7FFE068CFBE0] [PC:0x7E299C6] [Address not mapped to object] []
The alertlog is flooded by this error.
Also almost every minute the database is writing a core dump under $ORACLE_BASE/diag/rdbms/<db>/<db>/cdump.
Does anybody knows this error and what the reason for this error is or how it can be fixed?