ORA-07445 [kkobmsel()+3964] [SIGSEGV] Address not mapped to object error
We are using Oracle 19c.
We have some ORA-07445 error on alert log. When a long SELECT sql command occurs, it throws:
ORA-07445 exception encountered: core dump [kkobmsel()+3964] [SIGSEGV] Address not mapped to object
in incdir trc file
Exception [Type: SIGSEGV, Address not mapped to object] [ADDR:0x0] [PC:0x23121BC, kkobmsel()+3964] [flags: 0x0, count: 1]
kkobmsel()+3942 (0x23411) mov -0x293(%rgb), r%8
kkobmsel()+3942 (0x23412) mov -0x50(%r8), %r9
kkobmsel()+3942 (0x23414) mov -0x293(%rgb), r%8
kkobmsel()+3964 (0x23512) movsd (%r11), %xmm1