Hi guys, It's me again. Continue to this topic, I would like to ask about the number of Bin could be entered in a item line in a transaction? Mei.
Hi guys, I added "Transaction Bin Number" into Physical Worksheet but there are some items will be shown a strings of Bin like this. I would like to know how to fix it? My expected results is that it just shown 1 item : 1 bin in each row of the report. Thanks, Mei.
I know. The state I want ot detele is the second state. The 1st one is still kept.
Hi Lyka, As I mentioned above, this state doesn't have any workflow fields (please see my attached pic). The State 1 either. And I have just created the State 2 in the copy workflow. So I think it could be as you said that the orignals workflow is run on some records. So that, I could not delete anything on the copy right…
Hi guys, I have met the same warning when deleting a state in a workflow. Know that, there are no records run on this state. And, there are not any workflow fields, even inactive field in this state. I have just created this state after making copy from an original workflow. So I don't think rename the id in the orginals…
hi guys, I have the same question as the poster. And I would like to know "a huge amount of value" is approximate how many values? Could you estimate the volume?
Hello Micah! What is the date of the lease journal that you need to reverse » the date has to before the effective date of new lease contract, right? If so, it will be 31/03/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY) Is the period still open » Yes When (date) should the modication » It's 1/4/2024, also the effective date of a new lease contract.
Hi guys, Thank you for your support @Midhun Nath It's all what i need :D
Hi guys, Thank you for your support. I figured out that the error occurs due to the duplicate item in a transaction. So, I deleted a record and combine those duplicates then upload again :D
Hi Tris, Here is our mapping on CSV.
Hi Angela, Thank you for your response. I use Inventory Adjustment to import the inventory balance. It is import for create a new record, not update to adjust any value on an existed record. So what I expected that the quantity value should be equal to the quantity I inputed in csv file. Unfortunately, the results differs…
Hi @Tigran Shahnazaryan, It's worked! Thank you for sharing your insight in this thread ❤️
Hi @Tigran Shahnazaryan, Thanks for your reply. As your example, I would like to build a report shows how many items in 1 Inventory Transfer. And, the result would be IT A 5 items, IT B 5 items, IT C, 5 items.
Hi all, May I know that at present there is enhancement for this? Or we still book a manually journal entry for depreciation to work around? Thank you Mei.
Thank you all for your suggestions :D
Thank you for your response. I also figure out another way to do it 😊