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hi @User_WA0MA To import a single journal entry, navigate to: Transactions > Financial > Make Journal Entries > Import for a simplified import process. For importing multiple journal entries, go to: Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records.
Hi Brandon liu you can consider File Drag and Drop bundle to attach the file with the records
Option B. Update Asset Records
Hi @User_Q1DPO . Create a beforeLoad User Event script and deploy it on the Message record.
Fyi https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/netsuite/ns-online-help/section_1550016096.html
User_9DZCA, are you referring to https://suiteanswers.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/92791/loc/en_US
Hi kedalene, If you have not entered transactions for a subsidiary, you can change the base currency. To change the base currency, perform the following tasks: ▪ Delete the nexus. ▪ Delete the subsidiaries related to that nexus. ▪ Recreate the nexus. ▪ Recreate the subsidiaries using the correct currency and then…
Hi @valdi, Can you try using the amount field? At the item level, the "Item Rate" field (the first one) Item rate has two variations: The first "Item Rate" field represents the transaction value in your company's base currency. The second one represents the transaction value in the foreign currency or transaction currency.
Hi Divya It seems that once the "In-Transit" option is enabled, it cannot be disabled. Could you please check whether the CIT (Cash-In-Transit) clearing account has been created? When creating a payment record, if the user selects the "In-Transit" checkbox: The record does not immediately post to a bank account in the…
A) At least one filter set on the Criteria subtab
Hi @Bee Yook To be able to send emails manually, the following setup should be done: Navigate to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences > Order Management > Purchasing Section Change Allow Default Email on Purchase Orders Using Suiteflow Approval Routing from Do Not Allow to either Warn Only or Allow Click Save…
When an Asset Disposal by Sale is processed through the Fixed Assets Management module, NetSuite automatically creates an Invoice as well as the necessary Journal Entries to reflect the Asset Sale For One World accounts, the Customer, Asset, Sales Tax Code and Sale Item must have the same Subsidiary, to enable the system…
Hi @User_BD08X Could you take a look at the SuiteAnswers link below? It might be helpful. Alternate Depreciation is set up in the Asset Type. Make sure that the Asset Type has Alternate Depreciation: Navigate to Fixed Assets > Setup > Asset Types Click View Click Other Methods If the Asset Type has Alternate Depreciation,…
Hi @Dext3r , could you please change the last modified date filter value in the following format and try eg: ['lastmodifieddate', 'onorafter', '2/28/2025 12:00 am'],
Hi @Kedalene This indicates that we have started closing subsidiaries in that accounting period module.
Hi @Elina Kourouzidou The decimal precision of a currency is displayed in the Currency Precision field on the Currency record. You cannot edit the Currency Precision. If you need a different decimal precision, contact NetSuite Customer Support for assistance. The only values supported are 0 and 2.
Hi @Bee Yook We are using this report, and it has been working well for us. However, we made a few changes to address an issue with the total amount. The problem arose because we have different entity records with the same name, which caused discrepancies in the total amount calculation. Since we only wanted to focus on…
Hi Honey Soe In this scenario, you may consider developing a script or workflow to validate the transaction date
Hi @User_Q1DPO You can restrict your accounts by classes, departments, or locations, to control the accounts with which employees work. If you use NetSuite OneWorld, you also can restrict roles by subsidiary. To set role restrictions: Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles. Do one of the following: To customize a…
Hi @User_Q1DPO If you want to attach files to an Entity or Transaction record: Users must have at least Edit permission on the relevant Entity/Transaction records. Additionally, the Documents and Files permission should be set to at least Create level.
Hi @User_SJTOF In this case, you can use expressions to achieve this. To do so, enable the Use Expressions checkbox, which allows you to use AND, OR, and NOT expressions in the respective column. Alternatively, you can use any operator with the Internal ID field.
Hi @Dipak_Jadhav Have you installed any of the following SuiteApp bundles? India Localization SuiteTax Engine | ID: 400562 | Version: 3.03 India Localization SuiteTax Reports | ID: 400554 | Version: 2.00.1 The Journal is considered a TI Journal, and you can verify this by creating a Transaction Saved Search using the…
if your using 2.1 make sure that your script deployment record Log Level = Debug /** * @NApiVersion 2.1 * @NScriptType ClientScript */ define(['N/log'], (log)=>{ const PageInit_func = (context)=>{ log.debug('context',context); log.debug('currentrecord',context.currentRecord); } return{ PageInit:PageInit_func } } );
Hi @Kedalene If you want to see the saved search in 'Reports → Saved Searches,' make sure you have selected the Show in Menu checkbox while creating the saved search. If you haven't, go to Reports → Saved Searches → All Saved Searches, edit your saved search, enable the Show in Menu checkbox, and save the search.
Hi XCO, could you please try to log script context, & scriptContext.currentRecord.
Hi User_VA1OM if your looking for vendor statement please find the info below 1. Navigate to Reports >Vendors/Payables> A/P Register 2. Click Customize 3. Click Filters 4. Expand Vendor Register Transactions folder 5. Choose Vendor (Line) 6. Click Filter 7. Select Equal to 8. Click Select Multiple button 9. Choose the Name…
Hi @User_AQQ7J Have you tried the following steps? First Remove Date Created field from the criteria section (if its there )Then Add the "Date Created" field to the filter. Save the report. Edit the same report and add "Date Created" in the criteria. Save the report again. It worked for me. Give it a try and let me know if…
Hi Kedalene Kindly review the following links before making any modifications. https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/netsuite/ns-online-help/section_157252074629.html#subsect_157382200256…