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There is no address record because on the Sales Order "Custom" was selected in Ship To List. And that was our problem - we were wanting to load the address record to get values from it. As noted in my own reply, the solution was to use the subrecord of the Sales Order rather than loading an address record.
I found the answer in the forum after asking this. We were loading the address record. Use shipaddress as the trigger field. Then, rather than loading the address record simply use: let addrSubrec = thisRecord.getSubrecord({fieldId: 'shippingaddress'}); let value = addrSubrec.getValue({fieldId: 'customrecord_fieldid'});
Thank you for replying. I am aware that the field isn't in the records browser. I just tried it out of desperation. Unfortunately, this doesn't help my problem which is that when I create the deposit record there are more than 10,000 lines and using getSubscriptLineWithValue (using the internal ID of the Customer Deposit)…