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Hello @R. Dieka Pribadi G. E., , Hope you are well. I would just like to follow up on this concern. Do you have some additional questions regarding this or did I answer the question already. Please, let me know. By marking Yes on the "Did this answer the question?" question, it will tagged this as Accepted Answer. With…
Hello @User_BLMSY , Were you able to download your report correctly? Please, let me know if provided information helped you to resolve this. By marking Yes on the "Did this answer the question?" question, it will tagged this as Accepted Answer. With this, it will also help other members of the community that might…
Hello @Yanie Carpen-Jcurve , Was my answer helpful? Please, let me know if you have some additional questions regarding this. By marking Yes on the "Did this answer the question?" question, it will tagged this as Accepted Answer. With this, it will also help other members of the community that might encounter the same…
Hello @Peter_Shun_Li_22 , Issue has been already resolved based on my information, is this working fine in your account now? Please, let us know. Thank you very much.
Hello @R. Dieka Pribadi G. E., yes, exactly how you've written. Customer Deposit is only 1 account for all subsidiaries whereas for Vendor Prepayments you have the possibility to set it up on the subsidiary level.
Hello @User_BLMSY , This number of rows in your report is quite high. Maximum number of rows for downloading the report is recommended to have only 100 000. You have mentioned, that your report has currently 128 419 rows. I would recommend you to set the schedule for this report to try to download it in a background during…
Hello @Yanie Carpen-Jcurve , I tested this preference in my testing environment and what I found is that it will show us the Balance Information from Customer record with 0 values. I cannot confirm if this preference will have as well influence on some Reports as we don't have available any help documentation to this…
Hello @Yee Yie , Were you able to check this? It would be appreciated if you will click "Yes" on "Did this answer the question?" on the comment/s you find helpful. This will aid the others with the same question to easily find the answer. Thank you!
Hello @Janice De Ocampo , I would suggest to do the Journal entry to correct the booking as per your needs. Currently, we are not allowed to change this system account. Since Refund is a standard process after Return, the accounting is predefined to hit the account Inventory Returned Not Credited or in your case Purchases…
Hello @Peter_Shun_Li_22 , Based on the information provided it seems to be related to the following Defect: 735633 - Reports > Banking/Budgeting > Reconciliation > Detail/Summary > Account with Currency different from Company Base Currency > Transactions have opposite sign Currently, the Development engineers have created…
Hello @R. Dieka Pribadi G. E., For Customer Deposits the general ledger account is generated along with the first Customer Deposit record. This Customer Deposit account will tracks each deposit as an Other Current Liability. For more details you may refer to our SuiteAnswers # 9121 - Customer Deposits. Regarding the Vendor…
Hello @Yee Yie , It depends on what exactly you would like to update on your Primary Vendor Contact. The only possible solution is to use Mass Update, but there are limitations that only few fields could be updated. Navigate to Lists -> Mass Update -> Mass Update Expand General Updates Click on Contact Set the Criteria as…
Hello @Yee Yie , Unfortunately the ability to update/import Primary Vendor Contact in a bulk is the limitation of the system. It is logged under the Enhancement: 187800 - CSV Vendor Import > 'Primary Contact' and 'Alt. Contact' fields are not available in NetSuite mapping fields list. You may vote for this enhancement…
Hello @User_32GQL , I fully understand, there is currently no other way how to specify what to show and what not in this dropdown. You may request for an Enhancement via SuiteIdeas page to have this possibly implemented in a future releases. Please, provide there all details regarding this concern, why it is necessary to…
Hello @User_32GQL , It is currently showing all active workflows which are available for approving the Bills. In case, you would like to somehow limit this list of available workflows, you would need inactivate the workflow: Navigate to Customization > Workflow > Workflows Show Inactives = T Mark Inactive on the Workflow…
Hello @User_32GQL , Thank you for this thread. To our other members, feel free to share your insights or suggestions by commenting on this thread.
Thank you @Santi B. . I hope that one of the possible solutions mentioned above resolve your concern. Please, let us know your results after try. Have a nice day.
Hello all our members, Is here someone who has experience with the SuiteAnalytics Connect? Please, advice @Herman Suherman with this. Thank you.
Hello all, were you facing the same issue as @User_X4Z4V? Do you know the solution? Please, share it with us. Thank you.
Hello @fauziarahma34 , Hope you are well. I would just like to follow up on this concern. Can you confirm if the provided solution on my previous comment worked on your end? By marking Yes on the "Did this answer the question?" question, it will tagged this as Accepted Answer. With this, it will also help other members of…
Hello @ALTAF BHOON , Were you able to check my previous comment? Please, let me know. Thank you very much.
Hello @Santi B. , I was testing this as well and was facing the same error. The problem is, that there could be several reasons why this is happening and to each account could be applicable a little bit different solution. Nevertheless, you will need to double check the following settings: Same Date Format Home -> Set…
Hello @Santi B. , I believe, the first option would be the most appropriate for your concern. You can create an Asset Record via Asset Proposal and Generation. For more details, you may refer to our SuiteAnswers: 19273 - Asset Proposal and Generation To all members in our Community, what are you preferring? Please, share…
Hello @AhmedM , Are you using the customized form for Journal entries? This is the Standard Journal Entry form and "Name" field is populated: If you are using Custom Form for Journal entries, please, make sure, that you have checked the following field on your Form: How to check this, please follow the steps below:…
Thank you very much @Tigran Shahnazaryan for sharing this solution.
Hello @Kedalene, To merge Vendor records is possible with only one condition and this is, that they must have the same VAT Registration Number. I believe, with the different Vendor Codes will not be the issue. Please, for all details how to Merge Vendor Records, refer to our SuiteAnswers where the whole process is nicely…
Hello @Chandanesh , Based on my testing, there is the main issue with the settings of the Main Line: False and Applying transactions in the Criteria. When we try to create a Transaction Saved Search with the following Criteria we are able to get the correct Amounts nevertheless, we are not able to specify, that the applied…
Hello @Dieka , Based on the error message, I found out that the Asset Transfer between Intercompany Accounts are still not yet possible and will lead you to the mentioned error as Asset Transfer only creates regular journal entries. We have available the following Enhancement request: 224057 - Setup > Accounting > Enter…
Hello @Ahmad Disi , Thank you for your reply. Will wait for your updates.
Hello all, @User_V5KBL needs our help. Were you experienced the same in a past? Please, share the solution with us! Thank you.