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Create connection from OAC DV to PBCS with SSO user
We need to be able to create connections from OAC DV to PBCS using Single Sign On (SSO) accounts. Currently this is only possible with native PBCS accounts.
Use Case and Business Need
In our organization we only use SSO accounts in PBCS. This makes that we cannot really use OAC DV for PBCS users.
More details
PBCS users are not able to create a connection from OAC DV to PBCS. They do not have native PBCS accounts.
Original Idea Number: 2e3815e5e3
Our OAC DV is currently connected to EBS which contributes summarized financial data to Hyperion Enterprise. Planning is done in PBCS having Hyperion actual data as a base. Making the connection between OAC DV and PBCS would allow planning a view into historical details...or at least I am assuming we could do that if there was a connection established.