Is there any news about this request ?
This is possible in PBCS but not in the reporting tool OAC Dataviz !?
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Waterfall : Option to remove the 'Start and 'End' box

Organization Name
Emirates National Bank, Dubai
Our customer does not want to display as Start and End labels/boxes of waterfall, and has to just show the actual member names.
Use Case and Business Need
Dear Team,
My customer wants to design a waterfall chart that shows the progress of products between two scenarios.
For example, the start could be Forecast and should show the progress of a product dimension with 'End' being the Actuals.
Today, we have a Scenario dimension with Forecast, Budget, and Actual in a specific generation and we are unable to display a waterfall that could show the progress between the two scenarios with a customer dimension like product dimension.
Customer also wants to display the 'Start' and 'End' boxes with the actual scenario or member names.
Original Idea Number: 15c5ff2b21
Is there any news about this request ?
This is possible in PBCS but not in the reporting tool OAC Dataviz !?
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