Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab

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Custom Views in OAC


Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):

The Villages

Description (Required):

Would allow users to create saved views (filters, sorts, selections) in a workbook, without writing over the underlying workbook or using Save As to create multiple slightly different versions of workbooks. Allow users to make these custom views visible to others.

See these two links for a product that has a similar feature:

Use Case and Business Need (Required):

Would make supervising and supporting users more efficient. We are currently having difficulties with OAC Security Roles and trying to choose correct edit permissions, saving permissions, while not wanting many versions of the same workbook in the catalog. Custom views from users in one workbook that we could oversee would solve this issue.

Enhancement Request / Service Request:

3 votes

Planned · Last Updated

Planned for CY 2024