Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab

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Support european number format


Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):RTBF

Description (Required):The only thousand separator available for numbers are comma (,) or space but in some european countries the standard is dot (.) (and comma is used for the decimal point)

Use Case and Business Need (Required): This is mandatory for dashboards with numbers used by C-Levels and managers.

Enhancement Request / Service Request: Enhancement Request

3 votes

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  • Hi Jean,

    This is in our roadmap and we are working through formatting (number, currency etc) details based on user locale. I do not have a timeline to share but this is a project planned for 2H CY 2023.



  • KimK
    KimK Rank 1 - Community Starter

    @Avinash Krishnaram-Oracle was this finalised?

  • User Locale and Language preference can be set on the user profile tab - available on the OAC March 2024 update. The Locale drives the number and date formatting while the Language will be used for the product UI strings translation. Thanks.

  • Additional custom formatting options will be added to the product in an upcoming release.