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Embed a document in BI Publisher RTF template tat generates a word output
![Aloka Bhattacharya](
Embed a document in BI Publisher RTF template tat generates a word output
Hi Experts,
I have a requirement to devise the below functionality in BI publisher RTF template that will spool a Word document as output:
We would have a small document (dynamic) stored in the database.
That needs to be embedded in the Body of the Word output. Similar to the way we do an 'Insert Object; in a word document in MS word.
We have a way to embed images in BI publisher RTF template & I'm looking for a similar thing with small text files.
Yes, in similar way please include required files by 'Insert Object; in a word document in MS word in rtf template those will be reflected in output. but Dynamically spooling from database through datatype of LOB /LONG may not be possible.