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How to give access to user to specific OTBI report

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How to give access to user to specific OTBI report


Hi All

Do you know of a way to give access to a custom report to a specific user?

I've try to add the user to the permission but user still get error message




  • Prudence K
    Prudence K ✭✭✭✭

    Francis - this error seems like a report (or data configuration) issue and not a security issue?  Does the report run/work for you or others?

  • Hi Prudence,

    Yes indeed the report in question is working for me and for my supervisor but i think its related to a specific role, the goal for this is to only give the acces to this report to a specific user without giving access to all report.


  • Hi, 

    Did you get any solution for this error issue, we are facing same problem with one of OTBI report, where user who created report is able to run it, while any other user who have access for report still not able to run it and getting same error msg. 


    Pls let me know if there is any solution. 




  • SantoshKumarBhairi
    SantoshKumarBhairi ✭✭✭✭✭

    hi Pritesh,

    What's the error message? Inaccessible column?  If so, you would need to grant the relevant bi-transaction duty roles.



  • Hi Santosh, 

    Yes, the issue was with the Duty roles missing to other users and they were not having relevant Subject area access bcs of same error was coming, after assigning applicable Duty roles for OTBI subject area other user able to run the report successfully. 

    Thanks for replying. Hope this helps to others. 

