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Custom Security in Fusion Analytics Warehouse.

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FAW Custom Security features


Below are the list of Blogs we have currently published on Custom Security

Custom Data Security in nine simple steps

Blog on Custom Duty Role  (Soon to be made available)


FAW 21.R1.P3



  • Alvaro Couto
    Alvaro Couto Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    When new FAW Security release will be published?

  • Ravi Guddanti-Oracle
    Ravi Guddanti-Oracle Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Hi Alvaro
    I'll notify you as soon as it's available. Tentatively, this month.


  • Naeem Akhtar Khan.
    Naeem Akhtar Khan. Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Can we have security in FAW ERP Analytics by Cost Center? e.g. Cost center (COA segment) owner should see data only relevent to his cost center.

  • Yes. Please refer to the blog where we have documented an ERP use case example



  • Naeem Akhtar Khan.
    Naeem Akhtar Khan. Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    We are getting below error while trying to implement following the blog.



  • Hello Naeem ,

    Request you to share a detail doc with all previous steps that you have performed for setting up custom security.

    Another point, update from FAW development team, Are you trying to evaluate / preview SQL with  [WHERE  USERNAME = ‘: USER’]

    If yes then either you need to replace all input values based on your custom table data or evaluate SQL without where clause and then click on preview button to see the data on UI.




  • Naeem Akhtar Khan.
    Naeem Akhtar Khan. Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Hi Nurpur,

    Yes, we were trying to preview while including where clause.

    Should we ignore the error while reviewing and progress to next steps?



  • Hello Naeem ,

    If you want to verify your custom table data in front end then you need to replace ':User' variable present in your SQL and then click on Preview  or comment/remove all variables present in SQL and then click on Preview button. This way you can see backend custom table data on front end in FAW UI.

    I hope this helps. Let us know incase of any other queries.



  • Naeem Akhtar Khan.
    Naeem Akhtar Khan. Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Thanks. we ignored the error and progressed further and it was successful.


    There is another question arise for this approach that we have to apply this security to multiple Subject areas. How we will know the logical Facts and dimentions for each subject area so that we don't miss any SA?




  • this blog link does not work