Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Idea Lab

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Benchmarks - Vendor bought and Peer Benchmarks

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Benchmarks play a key role in understanding the industry Context and setting internal targets. Companies use a variety of benchmarks today from Attrition, Compensation, to HR Ratios, to Revenue per Employees, to payroll as a % of Revenue and more. Ability to bring in existing Benchmarks from Comptryx, Mercer, Hackett like vendors as well as Peer Benchmarks offered by Oracle will go a long way in helping firms make decisions and drive business initiatives.

Use Case and Business Need

1. Mashup benchmark data from existing Vendors

2. Oracle Peer Benchmark - corporations opt-in to get anonymized aggregate benchmarks by industry, region and size of the company. Higher value prop for customers as it enables direct comparison with consistent data structures and algorithms across all firms.

Original Idea Number: 5eb266a27f

3 votes

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