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To create sub folders under "Shared Reports and Analytics" under Reports and Analytics in PD

Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of): Cisco
Description (Required): In the Product Development (PD) work area in the Reports and Analytics tab -> under "Shared Reports and Analytics" as of now users are not able to create folders or sub folders to put the reports as per business need. Hence, logging this idea to enhance the flexibility of creating folders/ sub folders under Shared Reports and Analytics .
Use Case and Business Need (Required):
To manage the reports under different folder or sub folders for different business team or functional groups (For example: 1) Compliance team to have separate folder with reports belonging to governance, 2) Product team to have separate folder with reports belonging to item and so on.
Enhancement Request / Service Request: SR #3-29544823981
Has this been resolved since you posted the idea? @lraotankala