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PDFDocMerger API Does Not Show Data Correctly If We Merge Too Many Files

OBIEE / BI Publisher
We are using PDFDocMerger API from xdocore.jar to Merge PDF Outputs
API Works fine with 2 or 3 PDFs as Input.
But when we are merging about 30+ files into one output, the Merged Output is not showing the Data properly
We have a combination of RTF and PDF Templates which generates these output files (before merge)
For my example, we have the following
RTF Template 1 - generates Output1.PDF
PDF Template 1 - generates Output2.PDF
I am merging Output1.PDF and Output2.PDF to OutputA.PDF
RTF Template 1 - generates Output3.PDF
PDF Template 1 - generates Output4.PDF
I am merging Output3.PDF and Output3.PDF to OutputB.PDF
RTF Template 1 - generates Output1.PDF
PDF Template 1 - generates Output2.PDF
I am merging Output1.PDF and Output2.PDF to OutputC.PDF
RTF Template 1 - generates Output5.PDF
PDF Template 1 - generates Output6.PDF
I am merging Output3.PDF and Output3.PDF to OutputD.PDF
etc ...
Finally I have to merge OutputA.PDF, OutputB.PDF, OutputC.PDF, OutputD.PDF into FinalOutput.PDF
When we see the FinalOutput.PDF file, Following are the issues observed
1. First page shows data correctly, but from Second page the data is not showing properly
2. When we click on a Data field Text on the second page, it shows the first page data - this happens for the pages generated because of PDF Template
Please note that the Data Generated by RTF Templates in all pages in the FinalOutput.PDF is fine
I tried the below 2 approaches in my Code and observed the same behavior as mentioned above in the FinalOutput.PDF
1. Merging the Outputs of Merged PDFs as mentioned above - OutputA.PDF, OutputB.PDF, OutputC.PDF, OutputD.PDF into FinalOutput.PDF
2. Merging the Outputs of Output1.PDF, Output2.PDF .. etc into FinalOutput.PDF
Can anyone let me know if they have seen such issue or could I have missed anything
Thanks for any help
I just tried the same thing with Apache PDFBox Library
And it works Perfectly, both exact same scenarios.
This could be a Bug in Oracle PDFDocMerger API.