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SecurityException while Importing a Report using the BIPCatalogUtil.cmd Windows Script
SecurityException while Importing a Report using the BIPCatalogUtil.cmd Windows Script
Oracle Business Intelligence
We are trying to import a report from 'Windows 10' Machine using the BIPCatalogUtil.cmd Utility
All the environment variables required are set and it is working in 2 of our environments.
On a 3rd Environment, we are getting the below error
java.lang.SecurityException: Security violation: /Modernization/Common/Accounting/Journals/Journal Functions/Temporary Address Turnaround.xdm, user: adminusername, expect: 516, permission: 4089
Could this be related to some permissions of the user or environment specific setting we might be missing.
We made sure that all 3 environments have similar kind of setting on the Catalog, permission
Could we be missing something else?
Import logs form the command prompt
2018-04-05T12:53:01.4757957Z [import] Connect to http://hostport/xmlpserver using adminusername
2018-04-05T12:53:01.6474569Z log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.axis.i18n.ProjectResourceBundle).
2018-04-05T12:53:01.6474569Z log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
2018-04-05T12:53:01.6474569Z log4j:WARN See for more info.
2018-04-05T12:53:01.8815407Z [import] Import "Temporary Address Turnaround.xdmz" from "C:\JDeveloper\mywork\folder\folder\Common\src\Accounting\Journals\JournalFunctions" to "/Modernization/Common/Accounting/Journals/Journal Functions/Temporary Address Turnaround.xdm"
2018-04-05T12:53:02.5994064Z >> Command Error: import->importObject
2018-04-05T12:53:02.5994064Z >> java.lang.SecurityException: Security violation: /Modernization/Common/Accounting/Journals/Journal Functions/Temporary Address Turnaround.xdm, user: adminusername, expect: 516, permission: 4089
Thanks for any help
Looks like one of the roles is missing