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Excel's Freeze Pane Property in RTF template for XML Publisher Report

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Excel's Freeze Pane Property in RTF template for XML Publisher Report


Hi all,

I have created RTF template and it's output type is Excel.
I want to apply Freeze Pane Property of Excel with rtf template so that it can be applied to Excel Output.

Please help me on this in case anybody worked on kind of such requirement in past.




Samer Ashturkar.





  • Skolli-Oracle
    Skolli-Oracle Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    BI Publisher do not format the data sent to the Excel.
    Please try building the report in Excel Template instead of rtf:


    Note - Excel Template can only output the report in .xls, data or csv. For other output types, we need to use rtf format.

  • sameer ashturkar
    sameer ashturkar Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Hey Sudhir,

    I did that through the excel but was looking it can be possible through RTF or not.
    Because through RTF template we can handle other cosmetic attributes very effectively.

    Thanks for confirming on this.!



    Sameer Ashturkar

  • Skolli-Oracle
    Skolli-Oracle Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    An Excel template is a report layout designed in Microsoft Excel for formatting your enterprise reporting data in Excel spreadsheets. Excel templates provide a set of special features for mapping data to worksheets and for performing additional processing to control how the data is output to Excel workbooks.

    RTF do not format the data sent to Excel.