Oracle Analytics Publisher

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Can BI pub report be generated as CSV or JSON format

Accepted answer
User_HOD8G Rank 1 - Community Starter


We are setting up the BI pub report in OAC to send the output to the OCI object storage. It is working fine with either PDF or excel format, but we need the CSV or JSON format.

Content (required):

The major purpose of requesting those two particular formats is to enable the data transformation between OCI and our CRM system. From their endpoint, they are able to receive CSV or JSON data.

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Best Answer


  • Sahithi Kolasani-Oracle
    Sahithi Kolasani-Oracle Rank 5 - Community Champion


    Have you specified the output format of the BIP report as csv?

    Please go to View a list -> Output Format -> Select Data (CSV) and unselect other formats. you should be able to get the output as a csv file.

    Thank you


  • Ravee
    Ravee Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Hi Can I use postman to get the data of BI report in JSON format?