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Unable to fetch graph as per values of the parameter using URL Navigation.
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Hi team,
As we have created AGE by GENDER graph for an enterprise, we are using URL Navigation data action to get the graph inside a web page. We are using the webhost app's URL for creation of the URL Navigation data action named New Data Action1. We have tried anchoring with/without the data to the respective parameter (column) named GENDER but still as we pass the values of GENDER as M or F or M,F the graphs wont change dynamically, it will display the graph as it is inside OAC.
Creating the URL navigation data action.
After creating the data action and pasting it on the respective graph, this is how it is being represented inside the web page. If you see the URL of the above screenshot carefully, it is passing values as M,F and its showing as per OAC display.
And in this screenshot, when we are changing the value of q as M, then also the graph remains static, not changing one bit.
Please suggest what changes are required to expect the dynamicity of parameters inside the OAC graph.
Thanks and regards
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