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OAC: "Connection failed 401: Unauthorized" When Trying To Open The RPD in Cloud Mode

Hello Experts,
We're getting OAC: "Connection failed 401: Unauthorized" error while opening the RPD online in Cloud Mode, has anyone faced this issue? Referred Doc ID 2609004.1 but we're already using non federated user.
Please suggest.
Hi Alok, credentials are correct, I'm able to deploy the RPD using the same.
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Hi Saurabh ,
Can you please check the OAC client version is latest one . This issue comes when we use an older version.
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Hi Saurabh ,
Please check the following document as well, it talks about Native OCI admin user having Multi Factor Authenticator (MFA) enabled. This could be possibility , if MFA not enabled then you can ignore.
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Thanks Narayanan, MFA is not enabled in our scenario.
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Saurabh ,
Did you check the version of OAC client tool . Is it latest one ?
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Current version is Oracle BI Administration Tool Version RPD Version - 356
I'll update to latest version and get back to you.
Saurabh Jaiswal
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Hi Saurabh,
Does your user have Admin privileges. If not, it needs to have BIDataModelAuthor App Role.
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Yes, User is part of BI Service Administrator role and its a native OCI User (Non federated)