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Concatenate non text fields

Received Response


Function Concat does not support non-text types.


Is there a way to concatenate non-text fields? I would like to concatenate Req id and Candidate id to create a unique field.

"Requisition Identification"."Req. Identifier"||'-'||"Candidate Identification"."Candidate Identifier" 

 Function Concat does not support non-text types.


  • Jagadish Angadi-29558
    Jagadish Angadi-29558 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice


    Please use this code. It will work, all you have to do is convert both Identifiers as char.

    Cast ("Requisition Identification"."Req. Identifier" as char)||'-'|| cast ("Candidate Identification"."Candidate Identifier" as char)




  • Prudence K
    Prudence K Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi Lin,

    You need to cast the non-text type to text type.  Try this:

    CAST("Requisition Identification"."Req. Identifier" AS VARCHAR(10))||'-'||CAST("Candidate Identification"."Candidate Identifier" AS VARCHAR(10))

  • Lin Tiedemann
    Lin Tiedemann Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Thank you both so much for your quick response!

  • Reena Trangri
    Reena Trangri Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Hi ,

    The above statements would work, but just wanted to mention that CONCAT function will work as well when both are cast to character datatypes, and in the above case, nested CONCAT may be needed, as Req no and Cand id needs to be separated by a "-"

    CONCAT(CONCAT(CAST("Requisition Identification"."Req. Identifier" AS VARCHAR(10)), '-'), CAST("Candidate Identification"."Candidate Identifier" AS VARCHAR(10))) 

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Reena Trangri