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How to Pass Parameter from Dashboard to BI Report



  • AshishERPCloud
    AshishERPCloud Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Thanks Vikram for your inputs.

    Unfortunately SR isn't a available option (Self-learning purpose)

    Wondering if you have a worked out (step-by-step guide with screenshots embedded) which you would like to share ( please hide customer centric details in case you choose to share one).

    Thanks in Advance!

    Kind Regards


  • Vikram Agarwal-43618
    Vikram Agarwal-43618 Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Hi Ashish,

    After the code deployment the prompts were available automatically. There were no config or any type of changes done from our side.



  • AshishERPCloud
    AshishERPCloud Rank 5 - Community Champion

    But there must be a setup done to link Dashboard Prompt with BI Parameter.

    Do you have then snapshot ?

    Kind Regards


  • Vikram Agarwal-43618
    Vikram Agarwal-43618 Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    You don't need to create any dashboard prompt. If your BIP report has a prompt then it will appear automatically. It behaves similarly to OTBI inline prompt

    BIP Prompt on Dashboard.gif

  • AshishERPCloud
    AshishERPCloud Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Ok would re-check.



  • Karthik Vinodkumar-76683
    Karthik Vinodkumar-76683 Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Hi Ashish,

    I am also trying to do same thing am getting odbc error. Did you find anything on how to pass LOV Dashboard Prompt to BIP Report.



  • Karthik Vinodkumar-76683
    Karthik Vinodkumar-76683 Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    HI Arun,

    Thanks for your input  i was also facing this same problem when i followed naming convention i could create two prompts of Text and LOV and pass it to my BIP Report.



  • Vinay Soni
    Vinay Soni Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Hi All, 

    I have a similar requirement. 

    I have a custom BI Report which has a start and end date as input parameter in the report. 

    I tried adding the report directly on to a custom dashboard and then adding this custom dashboard to the seeded "Manager Resources Dashboard" but the prompts are not visible. 

    Next, I created dashboard prompts with start date and end date and used it on my dashboard. But I believe I am missing the step of linking the dashboard prompts to the prompts used in the BI Report. 

    I saw this article -  Dashboard Prompts Not Filtering BIP Report Created Using Oracle BI EE Data Source (Doc ID 2242277.1)

    But this doesn't help either.

    My prompts are date prompts. 

    I was able to find a Video on youtube where he used a custom "OTBI" report and the columns were filtered to be prompted. And the prompts were mapped to the dashboard prompts. How to do the same for a BI Report is the question. 

    Any advise would be helpful. 



  • Vinay Soni
    Vinay Soni Rank 1 - Community Starter

    This should be the answer to it

    BI Publisher Report Parameter Not Appearing On Dashboard (Doc ID 2102134.1)

  • sameer ashturkar
    sameer ashturkar Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Hi All ,

    Has anybody found the cause of  'Failed To load (odbc driver returned and error (SQLExecDriectW).)) error which is coming with Dashboard prompt.