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BIP Template issues
I am currently building a BIP template and am facing an issue. The template is base on the customised data model of Collections Aging by Collector 7 bucket report. I have adjusted the datamodel to bring in one extra column called BUSINESS UNIT. This value sits at invoice header. Now the seeded aging report gives me the aging by customer, however I need the aging to be by customer but split by BUSINESS UNIT.
Example data below:
So from this you can see that I was able to get the BUSINESS UNIT (ASRS and BD EXT) pull through to the results, however as it is coming from th xml at invoice level each invoice is pulling through and getting aged. I cant used the summary aging from the xml as it is not split by BUSINESS UNIT.
How can I achieve the summing for each customer to 'roll up' to CUSTOMER BUSINESS UNIT level? Can this be achieved within the rtf (BIP Template)??
Any help would be appreciated
Moved your thread to BIP community Home/ Applications and Infrastructure Community/ Analytics Software/ Business Intelligence Applications/ Business Intelligence Applications
Thanks, Suresh