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Production to Stage for BIP Reports

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Easiest way to copy BIP reports from Production to Stage environments


Hi all - we have two ways that we use BIP reports on our dashboards:

1) Embedded Content - input the website address of the report into the dashboard

2) Drag from Catalog to Dashboard Section

When our team refreshes our Staging environments from our Production environments, #2 moves without any issue and our customers can use the report without a problem.  However, #1 copies the Production address and when our users access the report from Stage, it points to the Production report and not the Stage report.  We have tried to use #2 for some of the reports following the #1 process, however we have found that we need to create separate prompts that the report would look at (vs using the ones automatically in the report).  Hoping the attached picture gives an idea of what I am referring to.

I have many reports that would need to be updated if we keep using #1, however I have probably the same amount of reports that would need prompts built if we switch to #2.  Ultimately, we just do not want to have to go into every report and change our report links to point to the stage environments.

Any recommendations of how we can proceed with this?  Thank you in advance!

