Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence

Current Timestamp Not Updating on OTBI Report

Received Response



I'm currently building an HCM Report where it looks at the Timestamp of the change (Hire/Term/etc.) and subtract 1 minute from that timestamp. Then I was hoping to run an agent every minute to pick up any changes in the last minute.  I am trying to use the below filter, but when I run the report the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP does not update every time the report/agent runs. When I run the report normally it has the Timestamp of the last time I edited the report, but if I refresh on the bottom of the report it will pull the current timestamp. Below is the filter I'm trying to use and the HCM Post I created, I've also attached the related XML.

Does anyone have any advice on how to make the current_timestamp update every time the report is run or scheduled to run?


"Assignment Event Details"."Assignment Creation Date" > TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_MINUTE, -1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)

HCM Report Post


  • Could you please try NOW() and see if that works?

    Now() -  Returns the current timestamp. The Now function is equivalent to the Current_Timestamp function

  • Thanks for the info Gopinath. This is pulling the same time as Current_Timestamp, but it doesn't update when I schedule or run the report. It only updates when I hit refresh.

  • RichardChan
    RichardChan ✭✭✭✭✭


  • RichardChan
    RichardChan ✭✭✭✭✭

    Please grade if you found this helpful

  • This worked! Thanks so much!

  • Hi Richard, 

    This worked to pull the correct time. Is it possible to combine this with SQL TimeDiff? I'm trying to find the difference between the current time and last assignment change time, but it is giving me an error. Any ideas?

  • RichardChan
    RichardChan ✭✭✭✭✭

    I think this is because of timestamp and date format you need to use the same format maybe try changing timestamp to date format