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Publish Agent for Subscription
I need to know the limits of the functionality
I used several OTBI Agents to deliver some OTBI Analysis to users. To avoid them to create their own agent, I have created, for each report, an agent which is published for subscription. In that way, each user can subscribe to any relevant agent and receive the content in the email box. The process is working well currently but it is only opened to 10-15 users. I am looking for some best practices or documentation regarding the agent subscription functionality because I want to use it for all our users. Thus, I would like to know if there is a limitation in term of users who can subscribe to the same OTBI agent. The idea is to avoid a time out or a database crash because of too many users have subscribed to the same agent. Could you please help me on that topic ?
Hi Emmanuel,
Please check the standard documentation on Customizing Your Agent Subscriptions: