Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence

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Want to know the exact name and subject area in OTBI for adding 'Reference Number' field

Received Response


  • Nathan CCC
    Nathan CCC Rank 7 - Analytics Coach
    edited August 2024

    For any application go to

    pick your application for example Human Resources in Human Capital Management (HCM)

    In Top Tasks select Analyze and Report then select the link Review Subject Areas

    Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

    Subject Areas for Transactional Business Intelligence in HCM



    and Review Data Lineage Mapping

  • Mario_N_oracle
    Mario_N_oracle Rank 1 - Community Starter


    I am also trying to use the document that were shared to find some specific OTBI subject areas and specific fields inside them.

    However, even when I do see the field in the excel documents (The Data lineage document):

    Payables Invoices - Installments Real Time Invoices Installment Details → Payment Number

    The Payment Number field is not present in that subject area or in any others that are mentioned.

    This is what I see under that specific subject area for Payments:

    What could be a reason for me not being able to find the payment number in any of the subject areas?

    FYI there are paid payments in the system with proper payment numbers. I can retrieve all other info for these in the OTBI report, but not the payment number.