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How to default the method of opening for an analysis that has been favorited?

I have an analysis with a filter marked as a Favorite. The issue I have is when I click on the analysis from the Favorites dropdown, it opens into edit mode. Is there a way to change this so it runs the analysis so I can select the filter and view the output?
You can find options related which page of an analysis should be opened when a user opens that analysis.
Click on your profile icon on the top right side of the page and then click My Account -> Preferences.
If this does not help, please provide some screenshots showing what the problem is and what you are expecting to achieve.
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I dont see a setting for default opening of favorites. I cannot attach screenshots cause my company blocks it. The actions I take are below.
- Navigate to the OTBI catalog
- click on Favorites (top right)
- click on the analysis I want to open
this opens the analysis in edit mode instead of running it to see the results.
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Hi @Mike Burnett,
Please find below steps that should solve your issue.
After logging in click on the far right corner as mentioned in Yellow and then follow the steps.
On Clicking 'My Account'
Now click on 'Analysis Editor' drop down and select 'Default - Start on Results tab when editing Analysis'
Now Press OK.
Then click on Favorites and corresponding Report to see if it is going directly to Results.
Hope this help.
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@Mike Burnett The post above describes what I suggested you do earlier in my first post. Please try this and let us know if it helped with the problem you are having.
Thank you for elaborating using screenshots @Bhaskar Konar
Gaurav Bharadwaj
Principal Software Engineer
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@Gaurav Bharadwaj-Oracle & @Bhaskar Konar
appreciate the instructions and screenshots but this is how my system is currently set up. What I mean by open to results is that the system actually runs the analysis (as if i was an end user). What it's doing now is opening into edit mode (it does open to the results tab). I'll try to get my company to allow screenshots. They would help tremendously in explaining what I mean.
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Any analysis will only open in Edit mode if "Edit" button has been pressed as opposed to "Open" button. We can control what page opens by default when the "Edit" button is pressed.
If your favorite analysis is opening in editable mode then the user must have been clicking on "Edit" button.
Screenshots would definitely help in understanding this accurately but considering the limitation on your end, i would honestly recommend logging an SR with our support team and they should be able to have a meeting with you to either resolve the issue or at least understand what might be going on.
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There is no Open or Edit button under Favorites. It's just a link of the name of the analysis.
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Hi Mike,
Why do you have this expectation that favourites will open, rather than edit, for an "author"? What is not having this feature stopping you from achieving. Why would it be useful for this to happen?
For more information see
Oracle® Fusion Middleware
User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition E80922-02 November 2017
Managing Objects in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog
What Are Favorites?
The out of the box behaviour as I understand it
- If you are a consumer user, not an author user, favourites let you open your analysis to view results.
- If you are an author user, favourites let you edit your analysis, and in your user preference you choose to start with criteria or with results (which is pretty much the same as open BTW).
I am not aware of a setting to change this behaviour of how a favourite works. You could raise it as an idea as an enhancement request (but I for one would not vote for it because I do not think it would add any value).
As a good practice I recommend you always have 2 users as an author - one with author privilege for building stuff, the other only with consumer privilege to test (otherwise you may miss defects in testing). This way you do not need Oracle to add a setting to choose to open or edit a favourite.
Here is such a test case - analysis "Hello World" in Shared Folders
As a "Consumer" - a user granted only bi consumer, not bi author, not bi administrator
C1 As a consumer user select analysis using Open. In global header, select catalog, select analysis, select Open.
- System opens analysis, shows results
C2 As a consumer user select analysis using Edit. In global header, select catalog, select analysis, select Edit. - Not Possible. This link is hidden. Only available to authors
C3 As a consumer user select analysis saved as a Favourite - same outcome as Open (C1).
Here is a test case as a "Author" - a user granted bi consumer and bi author
A1 As a author user select analysis using Open. In global header, select catalog, select analysis, select Open. - System opens analysis, shows results (same outcome as a consumer user open C1)
A2 As a author user select analysis using Edit. In global header, select catalog, select analysis, select Edit. - System go to analysis editor. Open on Criteria or Results tab as per user preference.
A3 As a author user select analysis saved as a Favourite - same outcome as Edit (A2).
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The reason I want this just to open the analysis is due to the reason for me using it, see below. The logic from Oracle to open a favorited analysis into edit mode doesnt make any sense to me. My view on favorites is that if I want to edit it, it shouldn't be favorited yet since it's not "final." The idea of having something marked as a favorite is to quickly run it, not edit it. I shouldn't be editing an analysis so much that I would need to favorite it.
Business reason: I control my company's security to ERP and I built an analyis with a prompt to filter on employee # so as I update user access, I can run this to grab a screenshot of their assigned roles. This allows me to evidence all edits to user roles quickly and I attach those screenshots to the support tickets as I complete them. I just want this to open, allow me to enter the employee # in the prompts, click OK, then screenshot the results. I dont want to have this go into edit mode.
Either way, it doesnt look like theres an option to change the favorite output so I'll chalk this up as another frustrating point about Oracle.
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No probs. Here is a solution I think. Create a dashboard page. Put your analysis on that dashboard page. Or put the folder you analysis is in on the dashboard page. Make that page a favourite instead of the analysis. As an author the analysis will be open on the page when you select the page favourite.. And when you select the analysis in the folder on that page it will open not go to edit as an author. Sorted!