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27Dashboard Filter viz improvement-Filter Control-Default Value: Option 'Last in List'Organization Name: Bluebell Description User want to set the default filter value as current date (YEAR/MONTH) but there is no possible way to do it now. Dashboard Filte…JasonJang-Oracle 112 views 6 comments 27 points Most recent by User_437T6 Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab
R13.x Deprecated and New BI View ObjectsSummary This posting includes R13 deprecated Business Intelligence View Objects (BIVOs) that are unavailable for extraction using BI Cloud Connector (BICC) in Oracle App…Rashmi M-Oracle 8.6K views 26 comments 2 points Most recent by Bhaskar Konar Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence
Agency Invitation Date?Is there a reporting field available that represents the date that a job posting was sent to a Staffing Agency to invite them to submit candidates?
Subject Area: Costing - New COGS and Gross Margin Details Real Time not giving any resultSummary: Analysis created using "Costing - New COGS and Gross Margin Details Real Time" subject area is not giving any output Content (required): I tried to create a sim…Dharmendra Shukla 177 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_TYAA6 Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence
Person Records Secured By AOR Does Not Restrict Data Reflected In OTBI ReportsSummary: Hello Everyone ! I am trying to secure the data returned by HR_ANALYST job role by using an AOR with a scope of Department. Although, it works fine in the HCM U…Maruvada Sanat Kumar-Oracle 592 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_KRXX6 Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence
Deep Links from OAC classic BI to Fusion Requisition/ Candidate(Oracle Recruiting)Hi, Our Business users want to have deep links from OAC Classic BI report to Oracle Recruiting Requisition or Candidate details page. Is it possible to provide deep link…Subhakara Netala-Oracle 51 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Bhaskar Konar Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server
Oracle Analytics Analyses Fail Intermittently With [nQSError: 46006] Operation cancelledMy Dashboard has an analysis which is resulting in below error intermittently when it is run for more periods (say more than 6) or when it has been running for more than…Dhamu 31 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by GayathriAnand-Oracle Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server
CORS: Setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin header values for BI AnalysisSummary How to set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin for BI analysis. Content Hey, I am working with BI analysis (Sales Cloud Reports and Analytics) in Oracle Sales Cloud.…Gleb Gawriljuk-27720 71 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Srujan Karanam-Oracle Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence
Tenure calculation in OTBISummary: Used Current_Date function & Enterprise Seniority Date field to calculate Tenure (in a separate field) however the result is not accurate (its showing value zer…Abhishek Bagh 379 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Juliet Eaton Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence
Creating Exit Projections by Month and Year in Fusion Data IntelligenceHello everyone, I’m currently working with Fusion Data Intelligence, and I’m trying to create a graph that shows exit projections (employee terminations/retirements) for…JT_DC_2023 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rajesh L-Oracle Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence