Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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Save Analysis Prompt as A Shared Prompt Set



Allow Prompt sets to be saved and applied to other analyses

Use Case and Business Need

I have several reports that use the same set of Prompts. The only option is to manually enter these on each. Allow Prompt sets to be saved and applied to other analyses.


Ling Xiang - To make this request more clear, this request is to save Analysis Prompt as a re-usable shared prompt set.  Dashboard Prompt can already be shared as a public prompt.

Original Idea Number: ef13162da2

1 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • shashi polala
    shashi polala Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Yes would have been nice. Currently we do have option for filter's but not prompts, where same filter can be used for multiple analysis.

  • Reena Trangri
    Reena Trangri Rank 3 - Community Apprentice


    Just wanted to add that Dashboard prompts are available that can be used in common by many analysis when these analysis are placed on the dashboards. 


    Reena Trangri

  • Andy French
    Andy French Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Hi Reena,

    True, dashboard/dashboard prompts can be used, but the analysis will run as soon as the dashboard is opened even if the prompts are required. The advantage with the analysis prompts is the users define their population first then run the analysis. Going the dashboard route, you could set up two tabs and include the prompts on the first and the analysis on the second, but I think it's a better user experience to have it on the same tab.


  • Mary-Ann
    Mary-Ann Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Good idea - especially for Analyses that are not included in a dashboard.

  • Ahmed Maher K.
    Ahmed Maher K. Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Good idea