Allow access to BIP output via ESS without the need for BI
Organization Name
Accessing BI output via ESS requires the BI Administrator Role. This effectively makes regular support personnel who need access to ESS output superusers. That is not always the case. This should be changed so that maybe just use BI Consumer.
Because of the way it is now we have to give BI Administrator access to more people than we want and it is a security risk.
Use Case and Business Need
Finance support personnel need access to scheduled processes such as Import Payables Invoice Report.or Import Receivables Invoice Report. In our system these processes are scheduled with a service account. Without BI Administrator the finance support personnel are not able to view any scheduled process that is owned by a userid other than their own.
If they have BI Administrator they are able to see all scheduled process output but now also have administrator access on OTBI which they should not have. BI Consumer would be a more appropriate role.
Original Idea Number: b1ed9fbfda