Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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Repository/Session variable with hostname for Drill Down


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We need a variable that contains the application hostname. This would make dynamic the URL used in action links.

Use Case and Business Need

Following procedure described in Drill Down To Fusion Financial Applications from OTBI ERP Reports, we are able to use Action Links to drill down from OTBI adhoc reports to transaction details in Oracle Fusion Applications.

In this documentation, we have to build an URL based on our POD. When we deploy the analysis in another POD, we need to rewrite the analysis to update the hostname in the URL.

With this new variable, we would have the following URL: https://@{4}/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=@{1}&action=@{2}&objKey=InvoiceId=@{3} with variable 4 got from a Session/repository variable instead of a value or column value.

Original Idea Number: 903fd0d6bc

3 votes

Submitted · Last Updated



  • Olivier Dupret
    Olivier Dupret Rank 1 - Community Starter

    This idea would save lots of time while implementing different pods. I agree!

  • AccentureTyler
    AccentureTyler Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Amen! Would help 'pod-proof' our analytics and dashboards so we don't need to remember to fix action links when migrating from pod to pod.

  • Sreekanth Mukalla
    Sreekanth Mukalla Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Hi Vincent,

    Can you please try the below query to dynamically fetch the instance name .


    select  'Instance : ' ||substr(EXTERNAL_VIRTUAL_HOST,1,instr(EXTERNAL_VIRTUAL_HOST,'.')-1) Hdr from FUSION.ASK_DEPLOYED_DOMAINS


    Best Regards,


  • Vincent
    Vincent Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Hi Sreekanth!

    Thanks for this update!

    We managed to use it in BI Publisher to achieve our goal. Do you know if there is a similar way to do it in an OTBI analysis where we cannot use direct SQL request to get the hostname?



  • Lakshmi Sampath-Oracle
    Lakshmi Sampath-Oracle Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    This will help us tremendously with dynamic linking. Thank you

  • Paresh Mulye-159565
    Paresh Mulye-159565 Rank 1 - Community Starter

    This will be a very useful feature and dynamic deeplinks will also help when moving reports from one environment to another. 

  • Sahil Makhiza
    Sahil Makhiza Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Definitely a useful feature and will reduce lot of time required in maintenance activity after POD clone.

  • Marybeth Snodgrass
    Marybeth Snodgrass Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    This would allow us to have action links derive the environment. As of now, these are hard-coded to our production Url. Thus, when you use action link in test, it does not direct to the test environment.

  • Susheel K Raina-Oracle
    Susheel K Raina-Oracle Rank 1 - Community Starter

    We are also looking for exact same requirement for our client. Any update?

  • Katherine Thompson-141273
    Katherine Thompson-141273 Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Every time we clone Fusion for test purpose, we have to rebuild all the URL links in the lower environments used for testing. This adds an additional work and creates lots of diversion of resource form main programme work to support each upgrade or new environment we need to build.  Please help find a solution to this and a way of doing a config snap shot of OACS and the data.