Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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Make BPM Worklist > Preferences > Vacation Period (Delegate to) Reportable


Organization Name

Equity Residential


When we implemented Time and Labor last year, we gave managers instructions on how to use BPM Worklist > Preferences > Vacation Period to Enable vacation period and Delegate to another manager for a period of time (Start Date to End Date.) We burst notifications to managers who have not yet approved time cards on the day they're due, and if the manager is on vacation, we'd like to know who the delegate is so we can follow up with them instead. Currently, the manager who is on vacation would get the notification that time card approvals are overdue and, if they're checking emails on vacation, would have to forward that message to the person they designated as their delegate for the duration of their vacation to get the message through. Administrators currently have no way to see that there's a delegate in place, and the delegate is not shown as the manager or approver anywhere. Please consider adding to one of the OTBI Subject Areas, like Human Capital Management - Approval Notification Archive Real Time, or creating a new OTBI Subject Area, so we can report on BPM Worklist Vacation Period Delegate to with Start Date and End Date so we know which ones apply to the current Time Card approvals that are due.

Use Case and Business Need

Time and Labor Administrators have a need to know who the current Delegate to is for a manager when time card approvals have not been completed by the due date to be able to follow up with the correct approver for the time period as needed. This would save us time in our Payroll process because we could contact the delegate right away and ask them to approve the time cards that have not yet been approved.

More details

We currently do not have visibility into who has a Delegate to set up, which means we don't have a good way to identify or get in contact with that person when we need them to approve time cards.

Original Idea Number: d825ffc297

2 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Kathy O'Finn
    Kathy O'Finn Rank 1 - Community Starter

    This functionality is needed to have insight into who a manager has delegated so that they can be reached.

  • User_0MEFO
    User_0MEFO Rank 1 - Community Starter

    This would be an efficient update that would eliminate manual activity.