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Inbuilt functionality to display error messages based on date validations.

Badar Ahamed Syed
Rank 1 - Community Starter
Organization Name
Petronas Digital Sdn Bhd
1. Go to URL https;//
2. Login as Employee
3. Go to Tools Tab
4. Click on Reports and Analytics
5. Click on Browse Catalog button on the top right corner
6. Click or Expand the Shared Folder
7. Click or Expand the Custom Folder
8. Click or Expand the Human Capital Management folder
9. Click or Expand the PET OTL Report
10. Click Open on Attendance Report on the right screen
11. Select Start Date
12. Select End Date
13. Select Payroll Time Type
14. Click on Apply button
Expected Result ;
System should not accept Start Date later than End Date should throw error based on date validation
Actual Result;
System accept Start Date later than End Date
Use Case and Business Need
When the user select Start date later than End date in parameters, System should validate the date and populate the Error as Start date is later than End date.
Original Idea Number: b064235cc9
Hi Badar,
While its a good idea though we need to understand that its a reporting/querying system. This would make perfect sense if the data is being written back into the database and so the validation is required. You can possibly customise the report to handle the situation by only allowing the dates as appropriate. By the description of your issue I see it's already a custom report. Please share the xml of your analysis if possible.