Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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Data Lineage Documents for Expert Mode View Objects


Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of): University of California San Diego

Description (Required): The currently available Data Lineage documents do not yet contain information about "Expert Mode" View Objects. We would like to request that either Expert Mode VOs be added to the existing Data Lineage documents or a separate document be produced.

Use Case and Business Need (Required): For example, in the PPM space there is no way to trace the Principal Investigator attribute in OTBI to the PER_PERSON_NAMES_F physical table using the standard Data Lineage doc since PI comes from an "Expert Mode" VO. If our Authors had access to the Expert Mode lineages, it would help them greatly.

Enhancement Request / Service Request: REFERENCE SR 3-27191812271 : OTBI - Report performance severely degrades when PI info added

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  • bbci_BeverlyBaker
    bbci_BeverlyBaker Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Full data lineage is crucial to being able to build efficient, effective analyses for users. With the ever changing underlying view objects and little to no communication when these changes occur, complete documentation is often our only method of troubleshooting.