Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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OTBI - Add confirmation challenge for object move (drag and drop) in Catalog


Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):

University of California San Diego

Description (Required):

Frequently, we are finding that our authors (report developers) are accidentally moving Catalog objects into other folders without their knowledge, resulting in the "disappearance" of those objects from the known location. The drag and drop process for Catalog objects currently has no confirmation dialog box popping up to challenge the move. However, deleting or overwriting an existing object does have a confirmation challenge.

We would like to see a confirmation challenge dialog box appear for moving a Catalog object.

Use Case and Business Need (Required):

Adding a confirmation challenge dialog box for moving (dragging and dropping) a Catalog object into another location would prevent accidental disappearances of Catalog objects and increase the integrity/stability of the Catalog.

Enhancement Request / Service Request:


17 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Alexander Yordanov
    Alexander Yordanov Rank 1 - Community Starter

    It will be highly appreciated if Oracle implement such solution, i.e. option to enable/disable/confirmation when drag and drop report/folder. We definitely need that.

  • user3887441
    user3887441 Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Is the functionality are even on the pipeline with Oracle enhancement?

  • Chris Pfeifer
    Chris Pfeifer Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hello, Oracle? I submitted this IDEA a year and a half ago. Are there ANY updates? Is ANYONE in Development looking at this? Seems like a quick & easy win for Dev and a great benefit to us customers.

    FYI - I'm still seeing OTBI folders and objects "disappearing by accident" by users who did not realize they moved them.

    Please fix this.