Report in OTBI on DFF name or desciption instead of code
Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):
All my customer
Description (Required):
We are currently facing the following issue. We have a DFF with a value set attached. This value is configured to have a code and a name column used for it. So show something else in the UI then saving to the table (I would say standard behavior of a value set). When I use this dff in BI Answers, only the code can be shown and not the name. This is a big issue for all my customers. I would like to have two field added to the SubjectArea one for the code of the value set, one for the name of it. In the following Oracle note: Doc ID 1503455.1 (published 2020) a workaround is mentioned. This workaround is not suiteable, because the valueset will change very oftern.
Use Case and Business Need (Required):
Reporting with BI Answers and showing the name of a value set value instead of the code.
Enhancement Request / Service Request:
Maybe as an addition, I case you want to have a multi language instance, there is no real workaround as war as I see. As well to change the value set (safe the value not the code) will effect the form as well and will break the complete multi language approach!