Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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Create a global config value to allow OBIPS caching to be disabled


Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):


Description (Required):

In OAS, caching is done in OBIS (BI Server) and OBIPS (Presentation Services). The OBIS cache can be disabled, but unfortunately, caching cannot be disabled in OBIPS. An Oracle representative confirmed that caching cannot be disabled (SR: 3-31167451481) and advised that there are OBIPS caching configuration values that can be adjusted to minimize the amount of data and time that something is cached. However, testing this workaround has shown that this approach is not a foolproof solution and sometimes fails. This means that when users run reports, they are not always receiving the most current and accurate data. 

Use Case and Business Need (Required):

Client using OAS connected to a real-time database with a high volume of data being created are not always getting the most up-to-date data when running an analysis without remembering to hit refresh. To avoid the potential for user error by forgetting this additional step, we need to have the ability to globally turn of the OBIPS caching. Users do not have access to the advanced tab to disable caching for their analyses individually in the implementation and is another step that has the potential to introduce user error and adds a burden to the user.

Enhancement Request / Service Request: SR: 3-31167451481

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