Make unarchiving operations visible in audit reports to ensure compliance
Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):
Cohu Inc.
Description (Required):
Audit reports on OBIEE BIPublisher catalog reveal creation, modification, and deletion of objects along with calling. What is missing, though, is recording of archiving and unarchiving events. These do not show up. This is a serious gap, which makes it very difficult to ensure that changes to reports, which are relevant for compliance, are tracked and unveiled.
Use Case and Business Need (Required):
Breaches to compliance are not discovered and cause serious issues with auditors. The entire monitoring process could be simplified drastically, if this is available.
Enhancement Request / Service Request:
SR 3-32095115051 : Not able to monitor report modifications using unarchive method to overwrite existing reports
We need the ability to audit unarchive events for audit purposes.