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Ability to deliver report output to Oracle/AWS Object Storage as delivery destination
Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):
Description (Required):
Agent (obi delivers) feature which will allow to deliver report with output delivery destination as Oracle Object Storage Bucket/AWS buckets with the ability to configure storage buckets by the admin. When the report is configured to run as per the report delivery schedule , the agent should use object storage credentials of the user to deliver the reports to the preconfigured buckets.
Use Case and Business Need (Required):
This feature will allow business users to store all the delivered reports (usually large sized files) in a storage medium which can also be a single point of reference for all the historical reports. Currently, such reports are either stored in the users share-point server or any other storage medium outside of the reporting tool.
Enhancement Request / Service Request: