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Cache Subject Area Metadata on First Use
Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):
City of San Luis Obispo
Description (Required):
Additional levels of Subject Area metadata are requested from the server as the User drills down into the folder tree -- even when it hasn't changed since the User's session began (or as likely, since the last quarterly update -- or longer).
Use Case and Business Need (Required):
Users typically open several folders of a Subject Area before finding the columns they wish to add to a new Analysis. Each time, the UI queries the server for the next tier or level of contents and metadata; it often takes 5-10 seconds before the UI updates with the contents it receives. And when the server is under load, such as when scheduled jobs are running, the wait can be more than a minute.
This adds up. Whenever a User creates a new Analysis or edits an existing one, they will typically spend a total of five minutes or more waiting for Subject Area metadata to load over the course of their session. Whatever the cause, Users tend to perceive these delays as frustrating system shortcomings that, over time, negatively impact their confidence in the system and satisfaction using it.
Enhancement Request / Service Request:
OTBI should cache a Subject Area's entire metadata when it is added to an Analysis or when an existing Analysis is loaded -- eliminating the delay associated with retrieving the next level of metadata from the server every time the User drills into the Subject Area's hierarchy.
Unofficial Tags:
- Subject Areas
- Quick Wins