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OAS - Parallel tables reload in DV Dataset

Kartik Mali-Oracle
Kartik Mali-Oracle Rank 4 - Community Specialist

Hi Team,

We in HSGBU using OAS 6.4 for providing the HSC Argus Analytics to many of the customers. In OAS 6.4 we observed on issue that if a DV Dataset contains multiple tables (subdataset/classis analysis) then while reloading only 2 tables will reload at a time and serially the operations will get performed for all the tables.

OAS should have a feature to increase the limit / parallel in the underlying tables in a DV Dataset.

We have also submitted SR to support but received the answer that this is not a feature even in V2023.

Product team - please review this and let us know if this feature can be available in future patch / version release.


SR 3-32669813131 : OAS 6.4 - DV Dataset Parallel Tables Reload

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