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Additional DNS entries are added to the server hosting OAS application, how to handle it in OAS
Additional DNS entries are added to the server hosting OAS application, how to handle it in OAS. The physical IP remains the same.
Due to multiple DNS entries rpd deployment is getting failed.
oracle@vmoasdevapp01:/u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/oas/config/fmwconfig/bienv/core> nslookup name = name = vmoasdevapp01.qhis.local. name = oasdev.qhis.local.
What is the error you get when you try to upload your RPD? Do you have SSL enabled on that environment? is your SSL certificate valid for all aliases?
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Hi Gianni, we are getting below error while deploying the RPD From DV Console replace datamodel.
ECID: f7a913bf-64d7-4353-a5ea-d5149ecb1f72-0000124b
SSL is not enabled in our server. As the RPD upload error is not having much information we checked biserver logs
I checked log files. From the log files we can see that The server name seems to be different.
17th: oasdev.qhis.local.