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Sort by Option for Subject Area Date Column in DV

Accepted answer
ALOK SH-Oracle
ALOK SH-Oracle Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

Hi Expert,

Sort by Option for Date Column which is coming from Subject Area in DV is not coming as Sort option.

But when Date column is coming from Dataset is having that option to sort by different type.

Do we have any option without touch the RPD we can do it by using DV feature.

Best Answer

  • ALOK SH-Oracle
    ALOK SH-Oracle Rank 6 - Analytics Lead
    Answer ✓

    I found one solution were this scenario can be achieved.

    First Create Month Year Column by using below Logic :

    MONTHNAME("Date") || ' ' || CAST(YEAR("Date") AS CHAR)

    Create one Numeric column called DateSort for Sorting in Graph.

    min(EVALUATE('TO_CHAR(%1,%2)' AS CHARACTER ( 30 ),Date", 'YYYYMM'))

    Go to any Graph then under sort option choose custom and then DateSort column.
