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Data Extrapolation Volume Unknown
We are being told by Oracle that we are processing too many data extrapolations. Our users are allow to design and create reports that they need to run their businesses. So how can I get information from Oracle that can show me how many reports are being pulled, how many are scheduled, and how much data volume is being extrapolated within a given date range??
1) how much data is being called, through running reports?
2) how much data is being queried for export after running reports?
What kinds of reports are being used for extrapolations?
Are these extractions that are being used to full downstream/external processes?
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What kinds of reports are being used for extrapolations? A - This is the very question that ultimately led me to come here looking for data that can help me answer that.
Are these extractions that are being used to full downstream/external processes? A - Could be? I'm trying to understand that as well. Some I know are ad-hoc reports. Some or for data scientists to pull, cross with other data, and analyze. Some to review, and request changes. Some to then utilize in other approved systems either one-off or on some frequency. Again, I am looking for hard data that can help me measure usage from my system and enable me to start these discussions with the write groups.
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Got it - there is auditing in place for bipublisher and OTBI:
For BI Publisher -
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Hi Justin,
The below doc also be helpful if you are looking for tracking the "Delete, Archive, and Unarchive" of reports.
Fusion Applications - How to Track Delete , Archive and Unarchive Events In BI (Doc ID 2930706.1)