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OAC - Dataviz : Print Dashboards that contain both OAC and DV reports

I have been working on a Dataviz and OAC reports, and I have found out that both tools offer different options in a complementary way,
So I've had the idea to combine both tools and to do so I have created a dashboard in OAC in which I've added reports from OAC and dataviz also,
It worked perfectky, but the only issue is that I could not print the dashboard,
When I printed the dashboard, the Dataviz report does not show in the pdf file,
Please find attached screenshots of the dashboard created,
The firt screenshot is of the OAC Dashboard that contains both an OAC and a Datraviz report,
The second screenshot is the output of the printed dashboard,
My Idea here is to add the possibility of printing a dashboard that contains both OAC and Dataviz reports.
Kind redards.
Hi Anis,
your freshly created Idea is duplicate to this one:
I have created 2 years ago (so far without Product Mgmt attention - thus still in Submitted status).
So pls, for synergy, drop your Idea and give vote to this original Idea.
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Hi Anis,
your freshly created Idea is duplicate to this one:
I have created 2 years ago (so far without Product Mgmt attention - thus still in Submitted status).
So pls, for synergy, drop your Idea and give vote to this original Idea.